how to do statistical matching

Jeff Smith has very useful comments in this 2010 post:, Especially liked this “There is also a third tribe, which I think of as the “benevolent deity” tribe. Yes, in principle matching and regression are the same thing, give or take a weighting scheme. Depends on your point of departure. Combine that with the larger set of choices to exploit when matching (calipers, 1-to-1 or k-to-1, etc.) that can be manipulated for data-mining. We talk about “pruning” in matching but really we should talk about “extrapolating” in regression. Results and Data: 2020 Main Residency Match (PDF, 128 pages) This report contains statistical tables and graphs for the Main Residency Match ® and lists by state and sponsoring institution every participating program, the number of positions offered, and the number filled. Mike: “When matching, you’re still choosing the set of covariates to match on and there’s nothing stopping you from trying a different set if you don’t like the results. Comparing “like with like” in the context of a theory or DAG. Further, the variation in estimates across matches is greater than across regression models. estimate the difference between two or more groups. Yet regression adds choices re functional form restrictions for the outcome equation that are not available in pure matching. weights.Tr A vector of weights for the treated observations. Does anyone know of a good article that I could use to convince a group that they should use matching and regression? The caliper radius is calculated as c =a (σ +σ2 )/2 =a×SIGMA 2 2 1 where a is a user-specified coefficient, 2. σ 1 is the sample variance of q(x) for the treatment group, and 2. σ. Statistical Matching: Theory and Practice introduces the basics of statistical matching, before going on to offer a detailed, up-to-date overview of the methods used and an examination of their practical applications. The intermediate balancing step is irrelevant. The intermediate balancing step is irrelevant.”. Presents a unified framework for both theoretical and practical aspects of statistical matching. (typically we understand the world by layering more assumptions no less, so I see the progression from matching to extrapolation). 2is the sample variance of q(x) for the control group. This is where I think matching is useful, specially for pedagogy. I’ve looked around a bit and seen that there is a huge literature on how to do matching well, but rather little providing guidance on when matching is or is not a good choice. Granted, if the person doing an analysis is not a statistician, matching is a relatively safe approach — but people who are not statisticians should no more be performing analyses than statisticians should be performing surgeries. In the basic statistical matching framework, there are two data sources Aand Bsharing a set of variables X while the variable Y is available only in Aand the variable Z is observed just in B. To quote Rosenbaum: “An observational study that begins by examining outcomes is a formless, undisciplined investigation that lacks design” (Design of Observational Studies, p. ix). Propensity score matching is a statistical matching technique that attempts to estimate the effect of a treatment (e.g., intervention) by accounting for the factors that predict whether an individual would be eligble for receiving the treatment.The wikipedia page provides a good example setting: Say we are interested in the effects of smoking on health. Follow the flow chart and click on the links to find the most appropriate statistical analysis for your situation. Matching algorithms are algorithms used to solve graph matching problems in graph theory. They can be used to: determine whether a predictor variable has a statistically significant relationship with an outcome variable. You identify ‘attributes’ that are unlikely to change. 1. Are there more choices to exploit? In the example we will use the following data: The treated cases are coded 1, the controls are coded 0. Other than that I like matching for its emphasis on design but agree with Andrew re doing both. […] let me emphasize, following Rubin (1970), that it’s not matching or regression, it’s matching and regression (see also […], Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science. Moreover, I think some scholars strain the point that matching lets you compare “like with like,” forgetting that this is only true with respect to the chosen covariates. The CROS Portal is dedicated to the collaboration between researchers and Official Statisticians in Europe and beyond. That’s always been my experience. My point is simply that the latter gives one more opportunity for manipulation since it provides more choices. 2. Ultimately, statistical learning is a fundamental ingredient in the training of a modern data scientist. This tribe has a lot of members”. I think the crucial take-away is the essential similarity of M+R and regression alone. From online matchmaking and dating sites, to medical residency placement programs, matching algorithms are used in areas spanning scheduling, … Collaboration in Research and Methodology for Official Statistics, Handbook on Methodology of Modern Business Statistics, International trade and balance of payments, Living conditions, poverty and cross-cutting social issues, COMmunicating Uncertainly in Key Official Statistics, European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS), Research Projects under Framework Programmes, Social indicators: Income, Consumption and Wealth, Centre of Excellence on Data Warehousing, Centre of Excellence on Seasonal Adjustment, Centre of Excellence on Statistical Disclosure Control, Centre of Excellence on Statistical Methods and Tools, ESSnet Sharing common functionalities in ESS, ESSnet on quality of multisource statistics, ESSnet Implementing shared statistical services, Third EU-SILC Network on income and living conditions (NetSILC-3), Trusted Smart Statistics - Towards a European platform for Trusted Smart Surveys, Expert Group on Statistical Disclosure Control, ESS Vision 2020 Information Models & Standards, Use of R in Official Statistics - uRos2020, Workshop on Trusted Smart Statistics: policymaking in the age of the IoT, Time Series Workshop (Paris 26-27 September 2019), 11th International Francophone Conference on Surveys, Privacy in Statistical Databases 2020 (PSD 2020), Call for Papers for a special issue on “Respondent Burden” in the Journal of Official Statistics, 10th European Conference on Quality in Statistics - Q2020 Budapest, Question forum for EU-SILC scientific use files, Micro-Fusion - Statistical Matching Methods (pdf file), Reconciling Conflicting Microdata (Method) ›, DIME/ITDG Governance with mandates of 4 WGs: Quality, Methodology, Standards, IT, Mandate of the Joint DIME ITDG Steering Group, DIME & ITDG Steering Group 15 January 2021, DIME & ITDG Steering Group 19 November 2020, Item 1 - COVID-19 methodological development, Item 2 - Open exchange on the future IT infrastructure for statistical production, Item 3 - Toward ESS governance of the WIH, Item 3 - WIH governance and capacity building presentation, Item 4 - Remote access solution to European microdata, Item 4 - Remote access solution to European microdata presentation, Item 5 - Progress report on the next round of peer reviews, Item 2 - High Value Datasets - document 2 (HVDs), Item 2 - High Value Datasets - document 2A (interoperability), Item 2 - High Value Datasets - presentation, Item 3 - Web Intelligence Hub (presentation), Item 4 - Background document - data stewardship, Item 5 - Progress report on the peer reviews, DIME & ITDG Steering Group 12 February 2020, Agenda of the steering group meeting February 2020, Item 01 - Mandate of the DIME/ITDG Steering Group, Item 05 - Group on use of privately held data, Item 05 - Privately held data presentation, Item 08 - High-value datasets in the area of statistics, Item 10 - Progress report on the peer reviews, Item 01 - DIME/ITDG governance presentation, Item 02 - Background document - ESSC Trusted Smart Statistics Strategy and Roadmap, Item 02 - Trusted Smart Statistics Principles, Item 03 - Trusted Smart Statistics priority domains, Item 05 - Innovation priorities 2021-2027, Item 06 - Seminar - Citizen data presentation (compressed), Item 06 - Seminar - Web intelligence presentation (compressed), Item 07 - List of proposed innovation actions, Item 09 - ESS roadmap on LOD (Linked Open-Data) - state of play Annex, Item 09 - ESS roadmap on LOD (Linked Open-Data) - state of play, Item 10 - ESDEN final report presentation, Item 11 - NACE review - Standard Working Group, Item 12 - Report from the Working Group on Quality, Item 13 - Report from the Working Group on Methodology, DIME & ITDG Steering Group 15 February 2019, item_0_agenda_dime_itdg_sg_2019_february_london_final, item_3_nsqr_privacy_and_confidentiality_synthesis, item_3_review_of_privacy_and_confidentiality_methods, item_4_complexity_science_for_official_statistics, item_5_annex1_essc_2018_38_10_peer_reviews, item_9_annex1_written_consultation_dime-itdg_07012019, item_9_annex_2_essc_item_2-_ess_standards_en_final, item_9_report_on_the_work_in_progress_for_the_new_standards_adopted_by_the_essc, zip_file_with_all_docs_for_dime_itdg_sg_london_15_of_february_2019, item_01_agenda_dime_itdg_plenary_meeting_v4, item_03_esden-deployment-of-services-v1.20, item_04_UNECE_Guidelines_on_data_integration, item_06_statistics_and_news_some_issues_in_european_official_sources, item_07_dime_itdg_governance_2018_2020_final, item_09_it_security_assurance_scope_document_, item_11_ess_guidelines_on_temporal_disaggregation, item_11_ess_guidelines_on_temporal_disaggregation_15feb2018, item_14_remote_access_to_french_microdata_for_scientific_purposes, all_docs_in_one_zip_file_dime_itdg_sg_15june2018, item_0_agenda_dime_itdg_sg_2018_june_the_hague_final, item_1_shared_tools-expert_groupd_-_itdg_2018_v1, DIME ITDG Steering Group 10 November 2017 Dublin, Item 2 Experimental Statistics National Experience in NL, Item 5 DIME ITDG Governance and Functioning _current_ to be renewed in 2018, Item 5 DIME ITDG Governance and Functioning _final, Item 7 ESS Vision 2020 portfolio progress and next steps, Item 9 ESS Guidelines on Temporal Disaggregation, Item 10 - Agenda Items for the DIME/ITDG plenary (22/23 Feb 2018), Item 1 esbrs interoperability pilots (slides), Minutes TF Temporal Disaggregation meeting (AoB), Joint DIME/ITDG Plenary 14/15 February 2017, Item 2 Draft ESS strategy Linked Open Data, Item 6 Statistical_modelling_for_official_migration_statistics_state_of_the_art_and_perspectives, Item 11 DIME/ITDG SG Mandate and Composition, Zip File with all docs for DIME/ITDG 14 and 15 of February 2017, opinions_actions_dime-itdg_sg_oct_2016_final, item_1_draft_agenda_for_the_february_2017_dime_itdg_plenary_meeting.doc, item_3_CBS_new_methodological_challenges_for_new_societal_phenomena.pptx, item_4_Istat_a_register_based_statistical_system_integrating_administrative_archives_statistical_surveys_and_population_sizes_estimation_final, item_5_hcso_transmission_and_preparation_of_data_from_secondary_data_sources_at_hcso, Item 5a Service Design Enterprise Architecture by ONS, Item 7 ESS IT security_framework_assurance_mechanism.pptx, Item 9 Dissemination of methodological work at Istat, Joint DIME ITDG Plenary 24/25 February 2016, Item 0 Written consultation on the agenda, Item 7 Computational and Data science at Stanford, DIME plenary meeting 23 and 24 February 2015, a ZIP file with all docs uploaded as of the 23 of February 2015, DIME-ITDG_Plenary_2015_02_24 Item 01 agenda, ITDG_Plenary_2015_02_25 link to Agenda and Docs, Joint DIME ITDG Steering Group 24/25 June 2015, Joint DIME ITDG Steering Group 18 November 2015, zip_all docs_and slides_DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 01 Agenda_final, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 02 Agenda_DIME_ITDG_FEB2016_plenary, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 03 ESS.VIP_Validation, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 03 ESS.VIP_Validation_Annex, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 04 ESS.VIP_DIGICOM BC-v1.0, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 05 Q in the ESS Vision 2020 Impl paper v1 1, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 05 QUAL@ESS Vision 2020, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 06 ESDEN-DIME-ITDG2015, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 06 SERV-DIME-ITDG2015, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 07 ESS vision 2020 Risk Management.ppt, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 08 EA roadmap v.1.0.pptx, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 08 Enterprise Architecture Roadmap, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 09 ESSnets.ppt, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 09_Annex 1 PIRs, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 10 IT security.pptx, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 11 HLG work.pptx, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 12 BIG Data-Short update on progress, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 14 SIMSTAT, DIME_ITDG SG 2015 November Item 15 TCO mandate, Opinions_actions_DIME-ITDG SG Nov 2015_Final.pdf, Joint DIME/ITDG Steering Group meeting 8 December 2014, DIME-ITDG SG 2014_12 Item 02 DIME_ITDG SG mandate and RoP, Joint DIME/ITDG steering group meeting 18 and 19 June 2014, DIME-ITDG Steering Group June 2014 Final Minutes, DIME-ITDG Steering Group June 2014 Item01 Agenda, DIME & ITDG plenary meeting 26 and 27 March 2014, Joint DIME/ITDG steering group meeting 6 June 2013, Joint DIME/ITDG steering group meeting 6 June 2013 - agenda, Reference document : ESSC document May 2013, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 2 - Mandate and rules of procedure, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 3 - Groupstructure_v2, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 4.1 - ISTAT on Enterprise Architecture, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 5 - CentresOfCompetence, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 5 - CentresOfCompetence-v1f, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 6 - DIME WGs and TFs, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 6.1 - DIME WG and TF, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 6.2 - standardisation_final, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 6.3 - Security Issues, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 7.1 -Standardisation overview_Mag, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 7.2 - Eurostat detailed replies on the revisions, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 7.2 - Eurostat replies to the comments received from DIME, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 7.2 - Revised handbook, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 7.2 - Revision of the Handbook, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 7.3 - Eurostat detailed replies on the revisions, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 7.4 - Eurostat replies to the comments received from DIME, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 8 - Orientations for 2014_New, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 9 - ESSnet2014Pgm2012Rpt, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 9 - ESSnetProgramme-v1J, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 9 - FOSS_project, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 9.1 - ProposalOpenSourceProject, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 10 - DIME ESSnet projects, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 11.1 - ResearchOpportunities, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 12 - For information, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 12 - HLG and GSIM, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 12.2 - Sponsorship on Standardisation, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 12.4 - legislation, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 12.5 - Minutes-ITDG2012, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 12.7 - Integration Grants 2012, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 13 - Annual report to ESSC, DIME Plenary 2013 - Item 13 - DIME Annual Report ESSC, Written consultation on DIME-ITDG 2018 plenary meeting, Written consultation on ESDEN and SERV of ITDG/DIME before VIG, Written consultation on new Governance for DIME/ITDG (09/2015), Written consultation on the new Governance for DIME/ITDG (08/2015), Written DIME/ITDG consultation on the proposal for the extension of the European Statistical Programme (08/2015), Written consultation of DIME on the revision of the ESS Quality Framework V1.2 (04/2015), Written consultation of DIME on the revision of the ESS Quality Framework V1.2, Written consultation on the business case of ESS.VIP ADMIN (01/2015), Written consultation of DIME on the 2015 ESSnet proposals (10/2014), Written consultation of DIME on the rules of procedure of the DIME (10/2014), Written consultation of ITDG on the rules of procedure of the ITDG (10/2014), Written consultation on the mandate of TF on standardisation (07/2014), Results on the written consultation on the mandate of the tf on standardisation, Written consultation on the mandate of the TF on standardisation, DIME-ITDG Draft Mandate of TF on Standardisation, Written consultation on DIME/ITDG 2014 plenary minutes (07/2014), Written consultation on CPA update (01/2014), item_1.1_public_use_files_for_ess_microdata.pptx, item_2.1_big_data_and_macroeconomic_nowcasting_slides, item_2.2_centre_of_excellence_on_seasonal_adjustment_FR, item_2.2_roadmap_on_seasonal_adjutment.docx, on_the_fly_opinions_working_group_methodology, Item 1.1 Business Architecture for ESS Validation, Item 1.1 Business Architecture for ESS validation (slides), Item 1.1 ESS Validation project - Progress (slides), Item 1.3 Validation break-out sessions (slides), Item 1.1b Business Architecture for validation in the ESS (slides), Item 2.1 Annex 2 EBS Manual Microdata Access, Item 2.1 Confidentiality and Microdata (slides), Item 2.1 Report on Statistical Confidentiality, Item 3.1 Estimation Methods for Admin (slides), Item 3.2 Selectivity in Big Data (slides), Item 3.3 ESS Guidelines on Temporal Disaggregation (slides), Item 3.3 ESS Guidelines on Temporal Disaggregation, Waiver deployment in businessstatistics 23may2017, Item 1.1 Guidelines for Estimation Methods for Administrative data, Item 1.2 ESS Guidelines on Temporal Disaggregation, Item 2.1 Results of the ESSnet Validat Integration, Item 2.2 Results of the Task Force on Validation and state of play of the ESS Validation project, Item 2.3 Possible standards for ESS Validation, Item 3.1 State of play of the ESS shared services, Item 4.1 Recent developments in confidentiality and microdata access, Item 4.2 Anonymisation rules for Farm Structure Survey, Item 5.1 Presentation of the MAKSWELL project, Item 5.3 Presentation of the features of the revamped CROS portal, Item 5.4 NTTS 2019 Conference preparation, Item 2.2 HETUS Scientific Use Files - Annex, Item 3.1 Big data and Trusted Smart Statistics, Item 4.3 The ESS guidelines on Temporal Disaggregation, Item 4.4 Seasonal Adjustment Centre of Excellence (SACE), 1.3 Options for decentralised - remote access to European microdata, 1.3 Options for decentralised and remote access presentation, AoB - Treatment of COVID19 in seasonal adjustment, Agenda TF Temporal disaggregation, Luxembourg Meeting 6 Decemebr 2017, Opinions and_actions_tf_on_temporal_disaggregation_06_december_2017, Agenda TF Temporal disaggreagtion , VC meeting 13 of Septemebr 2017, Opinions and actions TF on Temporal Disaggregation (Meeting 13 September 2017), Opinions and actions TF on Temporal Disaggregation (Meeting 30 may 2017), ESS Guidelines on Temporal Disaggregation (version 12, 21 October 2018), ESS Guidelines on Temporal Disaggregation (version 11, 24 July 2018), ESS Guidelines on Temporal Disaggregation (version 10, 26 April 2018), ESS Guidelines on Temporal Disaggregation (version 8, 15 February 2018), ESS Guidelines on Temporal Disaggregation (version 7, 6 December 2017), ESS Guidelines on Temporal Disaggregation (version 6 , 27 October 2017), Workshop on Small Area Methods and living conditions indicators in #European poverty studies in the era of data deluge and #Bigdata, Centres of Excellence assessment report 2014, Quality and Risk Management Models (Theme), GSBPM: Generic Statistical Business Process Model (Theme), Specification of User Needs for Business Statistics (Theme), Questionnaire Design - Main Module (Theme), Statistical Registers and Frames - Main Module (Theme), The Populations, Frames, and Units of Business Surveys (Theme), Building and Maintaining Statistical Registers to Support Business Surveys (Theme), Survey Frames for Business Surveys (Theme), The Design of Statistical Registers and Survey Frames (Theme), The Statistical Units and the Business Register (Theme), Quality of Statistical Registers and Frames (Theme), Balanced Sampling for Multi-Way Stratification (Method), Subsampling for Preliminary Estimates (Method), Sample Co-ordination Using Simple Random Sampling with Permanent Random Numbers (Method), Sample Co-ordination Using Poisson Sampling with Permanent Random Numbers (Method), Assigning Random Numbers when Co-ordination of Surveys Based on Different Unit Types is Considered (Method), Design of Data Collection Part 1: Choosing the Appropriate Data Collection Method (Theme), Design of Data Collection Part 2: Contact Strategies (Theme), Collection and Use of Secondary Data (Theme), Micro-Fusion - Data Fusion at Micro Level (Theme), Unweighted Matching of Object Characteristics (Method), Weighted Matching of Object Characteristics (Method), Fellegi-Sunter and Jaro Approach to Record Linkage (Method), Reconciling Conflicting Microdata (Method), How to Build the Informative Base (Theme), Automatic Coding Based on Pre-coded Datasets (Method), Automatic Coding Based on Semantic Networks (Method), Statistical Data Editing - Main Module (Theme), Imputation under Edit Constraints (Theme), Weighting and Estimation - Main Module (Theme), Design of Estimation - Some Practical Issues (Theme), Generalised Regression Estimator (Method), Preliminary Estimates with Design-Based Methods (Method), Preliminary Estimates with Model-Based Methods (Method), Synthetic Estimators for Small Area Estimation (Method), Composite Estimators for Small Area Estimation (Method), EBLUP Area Level for Small Area Estimation (Fay-Herriot) (Method), EBLUP Unit Level for Small Area Estimation (Method), Small Area Estimation Methods for Time Series Data (Method), Estimation with Administrative Data (Theme), Revisions of Economic Official Statistics (Theme), Chow-Lin Method for Temporal Disaggregation (Method), Asymmetry in Statistics - European Register for Multinationals (EGR) (Theme), Seasonal Adjustment - Introduction and General Description (Theme), Seasonal Adjustment of Economic Time Series (Method), Statistical Disclosure Control - Main Module (Theme), Statistical Disclosure Control Methods for Quantitative Tables (Theme), Dissemination of Business Statistics (Theme), Evaluation of Business Statistics (Theme), The treatment of large enterprise groups within Statistics Netherlands. “ like with like ” in matching is a way to discard some data that! 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